Video Αντιδράσεις #2 - Ατάλαντοι Τραγουδιστές

Lew tin gnwmi mou gia kapoia videos pou vlepw sto internet dammit!
Opos vlepete, kapioi ston kosmo exoun sovaro provlima.. Sas arese to remix sto telos? Woop woop! Eimai omorfi sto 3:35? Woop woop! An exeis Android kinito kai den exeis katevasei to app mou akoma, tote opos lene kai oi Linkin Park, "what the hell are you waiting foooooooooooooor??". An exeis i-Phone, sorry mada fakka. Kante me add sto Facebook an thelete na exete sxesi me orismena videos pou kanw (p.x Comments Songs, Ellines Kallitexnes, Q&A ktl). An thelete ki'alla 'Video Αντιδράσεις' let me know.. Thelw sandwich.